Hi, I'm Yusuf Yıldırım A Back End Developer.

I am a 3rd-year computer engineering student at Marmara University. At the same time, I work part-time as a back-end developer at SmartIQ. So far, I have developed rest APIs with spring boot. I used spring security, Redis cache and apache Kafka, and I also wrote integration tests with cucumber and selenium. I ran the tests I wrote on a remote server using docker.

About memy stats

Information About me

A computer science student who is passionate about technology, open to learn and always ready to collaborate with other developers.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty." — Winston Churchill




in github.


advanced level problems.


from many well known foundations.

My Timeline

2022 - present

Back End Engineer - SmartIQ

Developed and maintained an end to end testing framework for currently developing project.

2022/9 - 2022/11

Internship - SmartIQ

Developed a fake mailing system using spring boot, kafka and redis for caching.

2020 - present

Engineering Degree - Marmara University

Computer Engineering.

My PortfolioMy Work

Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages.

project photo

Project Source

Project Source

Project Source

Project Source

Project Source

Project Source

My BlogsMy Blogs

Java stream api with java faker

This medium blogpost explains how to use java streams and how to create bulk data using java faker. https://medium.com/@yusufyildirim1025/java-8-stream-api-kullan%C4%B1m-rehberi-c85ff487131b

Contact MeContact

Contact me here

All of contact links are listed down below.


: Istanbul, Turkey




: Marmara University, CSE

Mobile Number

: 05414097059


: English, Turkish